Female Army Captain Collapses And Lays On The Ground But Refuses To Give up

People will often push themselves to levels that they never thought was possible. They might do it for a variety of reasons. Sometimes, it is to compete in an event, such as a marathon. At other times, they might push themselves outside of their comfort zone for family or friends. The woman in this video is also pushing her limits, and we get to see it as it is happening. The results are amazing.

This woman is a soldier and she is taking part in something that many soldiers never have the opportunity to do. Even if they do have the opportunity, it isn’t for everyone. She is taking part in earning the Expert Field Medical Badge, and in order to do so, she has to go through a rather grueling test. As a part of it, there is a written test but it is physical test that is the subject of this video.

In order to pass, the soldier has to go on a 12 mile road march in full gear. This would also include taking a rifle and a heavy pack. If you have ever had the opportunity to do something like this, you recognize that it isn’t an easy walk in the park. It tests your limits in many different ways. By the end, which is where this video picks up, she is exhausted and just about ready to give up only feet from the finish line. That is when something rather amazing happens to her.

The people who are around her in the end give her the necessary encouragement to keep going. Even though she is exhausted to the point where she collapses on the road, she continues to push forward. It is a testament to her abilities as a soldier and just how far she can go as a human.