There are many funny people and over the years, we have laughed at numerous comedians. From time to time, however, there is somebody who stands head and shoulders above the rest and it seems like anything they do is going to touch us in a wonderful way. That is the case with Tom Hanks, and regardless of whether he is on a television show, playing in a movie or telling a joke, he is absolutely hilarious.
When he was appearing on the Jimmy Kimmel show in 2011, something rather unusual happened. I have to admit that Tom Hanks is one of my favorite people, but when he was on that show, he did something most unusual. He had an appearance on Toddlers and Tiaras, and he wanted the audience to know what it was like in the days that led up to a childhood beauty pageant.
This particular segment was a spoof on an American reality television series, Toddlers and Tiaras. It was on TV from 2008 until 2013, but it began to air again in 2016 for a short time. Like many reality television shows, it follows actual people as they are trying to accomplish something in life, in this case, winning a child beauty pageant. It is a subject that is full of controversy because of the way that many of them will dress the children provocatively and because of the rather adult issues that those children are up against. Tom Hanks just manages to poke some fun at it, and remind us of how ridiculous it is.
In the show, his six-year-old daughter, Sophie, would like to take first place. She wants to do in a beauty pageant in Nevada, the Ultimate Sexy Baby. Don’t be concerned, with Tom Hanks behind it, you know that it is going to be a lot of good, clean fun.