It doesn’t matter what type of animal you are speaking of, when they are little babies, they are absolutely the cutest thing on earth. This may be true of all animals but when it comes to baby otters, they really have the corner on cuteness. As a matter of fact, it is hard to watch baby otters and not have a smile on your face. I know I had one plastered on my face shortly after it started.
If you would like to have a big smile on your face, you’re going to love this nature video. When you begin to watch it, you get to see them getting psyched up for some food but then once they actually start eating, it is absolutely as cute as it is going to get. This video is almost like an antidepressant in adorableness.
Most of us know at least a little about otters, but we might not know some of the most interesting facts about them. For example, did you know that there are 13 different species of otters? The largest is the giant otter, which can grow to be almost 6 feet long! The heaviest otter, however, is the sea otter and they might weigh as much as 90 pounds. On the other end of the scale, the Asian small clawed otter is under 3 feet long and only weighs 11 pounds, at the most. These adorable otters are quite cute and tiny but, as you can see, there is much more to the species than meets the eye.
The funny thing about otters is that they are not only cute when they are babies, even the adults are cute as well. We might have many hobbies in life but when you make watching otters online your hobby, you have something that can always chase away the blues.