An Abandoned Kitten Is In The Yard But When A Crow Swoops In, It Does Something Remarkable

More than likely, you have heard the expression that opposites attract. It may even be that you have seen the truthfulness of that saying in your life, as many of us have friendships with others who are certainly of an opposite personality from us. It seems as if this is not only something that is true of humans, even animals experience it as well.

This older couple was enjoying some time out on the porch and they were animal lovers, particularly fond of cats. That is why they weren’t really surprised when I saw stray cat coming into the yard but as it turned out, she was not alone. There was a crow that was following along, which they thought was rather unusual but they figured it was just a fluke. That is, of course, until the cat showed back up the next day.

Day after day, this stray kitten kept showing up in the yard along with the crow, who was obviously her best friend. Not only did they hang out with each other, they played a lot of games together and the crow would even feed and lead the kitten to water, which is absolutely unheard of. As you watch these two lovely animals interacting with each other in a very special way, you will be amazed with exactly how much of a friendship they have formed with each other. It really goes beyond anything that we have ever seen before.

Traditionally, cats and birds are not supposed to get along but it seems as if this is something that really is on a case-by-case basis. One thing is certain, by the time you are finished watching this video, you will be amazed with everything that you saw taking place in their backyard.