Abandoned Foal Misses Mom So They Give Him A Big Teddy Bear

From the time we are very young, we often learn how to comfort ourselves in some way or another. In many cases, it is due to something that is provided by our parents or someone else who loves us. I’m talking about a teddy bear, and this type of stuffed animal has helped millions of young children to be calm and comfortable when they were having a difficult time.

As it turns out, it is not only humans who can appreciate such a welcoming addition to their environment, even animals are able to enjoy it as well. This has been shown in many cases and perhaps you even have a dog or cat who has a favorite toy that they seem to take with them anywhere that they go. It really is a matter of familiarity and having something there that is able to comfort us when we need it.

When this foal, named Breeze, was very young, he was abandoned by his mother. He was discovered by farmers who brought him to a sanctuary when he was only a few hours old. As it turns out, this baby horse could not find his own mother and the farmers called him suckling on their own mares. Without a mother to care for him, Breeze was malnourished and was missing many of the vital nutrients that a mother would transfer to her offspring. They were able to provide what was necessary on a nutritional basis but there was something that they couldn’t provide, and that was the love that a mother gives.

During the night times, Breeze became quite depressed. Typically, this is when a baby horse will struggle with their mother but without a mom, he became an insomniac. They helped him cope, however, by providing him with an awesome teddy bear. Watch the video; you will be amazed with what happened.